Tuesday 25 November 2014


 Jane Bown 

Jane Bown has taken this photo of John Lennon in 1963. The intention was to capture some one in a natural way. The reason of the photo was to show you that you don't need good lighting to have a good photo. The photographer made the photo because she like to catch a natural atmosphere through little lighting and not artificial lighting. The subject of the photo is John Lennon smoking a cigarette.  

 I think the photograph is a recording of an event of what John Lennon is doing. Jane bown has captured him backstage of a show. 
The photographer has framed the photo with a tight crop to portray the relax nature of the subject.
The photo is set in a natural surrounding and not in a photographers studio, which I like that. 
 I think the vantage point is just below eye line so that make John Lennon look taller. 
The photo is almost split into quarters because the top right and the bottom left are quite dark and the top left and bottom right are light. The top half is
also lighter than the bottom half. It is balance between light and dark. 

The focus is John Lennon most likely before he goes on stage. The photographer has captured John in his calm nature in a still way. 
The light in the photo appear most in the face of John Lennon.There is a bit of shadow in the in the bottom right. I think that the light is quite natural and not artificial. I think that the lighting is not harsh. Although the light is quite soft I think 
there is a big difference between the light and dark.
In this photo there is a range of light and dark tones. The darkest value is the two bottom corners and the lightest value is towards the top of the image. 

My take on Jane Bown

I liked how my cropped image has turned out because you can see more in the direction as my model is looking with out getting distracted with the wasted space.

Here is how i created my cropped image: 

My take on Jane Bown

Here is my final image. This is my take on a portrait photo inspired by Jane Bown. I created this image by changing the photo into grey scale and making the contrast higher so the the lights and darks will stand out.  



Friday 7 November 2014

Glibert & George

Gilbert & George 
Death - Gilbert  George - 1984 - 24646
I like this art work because of the bright colours and the way how the people go from small to big. I think the colour chose is good because they work well together. 

Where do they work?
Gilbert was born in the Dolomites, Italy in 1943; George was born in Devon in 1942 and both lived and worked in London for over 40 years . 

How did they achieve their work and why?

Gilbert and George have been working together since 1967 when they met at St Martins School of Art. They achieve their work by using print media and digital media . They do this because they want to confront many of the fundamental issues of existence: sex, religion, corruption, violence, fear, hope, racial tension, addiction and death.
Here is how achieve my image of my take on Gilbert and George.

Sunday 2 November 2014

Nick Chaffe

Nick Chaffe - self image.

SONIC.jpgI like this image that Nick has created because hes taken a plain image and added something  to make stands out. The image reminds me of of a rocket that has just been taken off. The flames at the back make it the subject of the image.

Where does Nick Chaffe work? 

Nick is half English half Swedish and currently lives in Manchester, England. Since 2008 Nick has had his own small studio in the UK. 

Here is my work inspired by Nick Chaffe on Photo shop.

This is my first image inspired by Nick Chaffe. I like this image because I have put vibrant colours on it and i think it stands out. I like using Photoshop for my images because it interesting and i got to learn new skills.